Mood Awards
The MOOD bathroom furniture collection won the main prize in the 27th edition of the Dobry Wzór 2020 competition organised by the Instytut Wzornictwa Przemysłowego under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. This is one of the most prestigious awards, which for the second year in a row goes to Devo for the hard work and effort put into making our customers' dreams come true. The award reinforces our confidence that we have chosen the right course of action, which we have been promoting for many years and will continue to pursue until we achieve perfection. Together with Grynasz Studio, we would like to thank you for your trust and congratulate the other winners. We would also like to thank the Stowarzyszeniu Wzornictwa Przemysłowego Warmii i Mazur, which prepared and supervised the design process of the MOOD collection as part of the "Grants for Design" (Granty na dizajn) project.
The Mood furniture collection received Must Have 2021 award. On 06.05.2021 the results of the 11th edition of the Must Have competition, which promotes innovation, new solutions and original design, were announced.